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Members Golf Leagues

Members Golf Leagues

Our 18 hole "Funk League" tees it up on Wednesdays at 3:30.  The league boasts 30 2-man teams, and the players are affectionately referred to as "Funksters".  They also have a pool of 40 substitutes who step in when regular players can't be there.  They have their own website that provides weekly updates on upcoming matches, handicaps, prize winners, individual and team standings.  If interested in becoming a sub for this year, let the Pro Shop know or contact the coordinator, Gary St.Pierre at [email protected]

Want to start off the week with nine @ 5:30. Come join the hard working men that stop by after work to tee it up for nine holes. This league shot guns out on nine hole with the Golf Shop drawing teams. The nine switched back and forth week to week. Because Tuesday usually is a night off for the staff Cold Cuts and a beer are available after the round.

 The President's Cup is a season-long one-and-out elimination match.  The 2-man teams light it up until there is only one team left standing...  and smiling !!!

Many of Chippanee's ladies play in the 9-hole league on Thursday nights.  They tell us that when Thursday finally rolls around, they can't wait to get out of work or out of the house to play in the league.  It's a great opportunity to get in some golf during the week, even if you have a busy work schedule or you're a full time Mom.  The skill level ranges from entry level to pretty proficient, and the handicaps keep everyone "in the hunt".

On Thursday mornings, the Stefanik Senior League, a.k.a. the "Retirees", tees it up.  The league is named after Eddie Stefanik, a league member who is 100 YEARS OLD and still plays every week!!!  They tell us that you don't actually have to be retired to play in this league...   all you need to do is show up, with a pulse...  and $5.

The 18-hole league is competitive and fun.  The season culminates with competition for the Dorris Dallon cup (one of our long term members) in the Fall.

On certain Friday nights (announced in advance), couples go out and play against their spouses.  You can either leave your name with the Golf Pro Shop or hunt out other couples to play with. They all get together afterwards to brag, rub it in, kiss and make up, etc.  It is a great night filled with fun and laughter.